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I wrote about working with Logstash in Windows environments way back in There have been several updates to Logstash along with several fundamental changes to it's core architecture so I think it is time to post an update.

If you haven't read my previous article about Logstash, go back and check it out for some context. Otherwise, let's get started! This article describes the process for how to install Logstash on a Windows workstation or Windows server.

The installation concepts for Logstash are the same on both desktop and server. This guide works for current supported versions of Logstash v6. The purpose of running Logstash on your local workstation is for testing out various filter configurations before adding them to a production Logstash instance.

With that being said, there are a few pre-requisites for running Logstash, besides making sure that Windows is fully updated. So for this example I'm going to use Windows Server And for those that are not aware, Java 8 is now depreciated. While security updates will be available publically until March , since Java 8 is now being supported in a depreciated state it is a wise idea to run the latest long-term support LTS version of Java - which is Java It is true that Logstash v6.

However there are still some small bugs in v7. One of the bugs has to do with the logstash-input-jdbc plugin. So for the moment it is still a good idea to run Java 8. The Elastic engineers are amazing so I'm sure that when the Elastic Stack v7. Besides the basic version differences, there are two different releases of the JDK.

For simplicity's sake I'm going to use the Oracle JDK 8 since it is much easier to install and configure. I'll walk through setting up the JDK since there are a few special steps to get it working correctly in Windows for Logstash. As you can see in this example I installed JDK 8 update If you installed a different version, or installed on a different volume, then naturally your directory path will be different.

At this point the JDK is now installed and good to go. Now it is time to install and configure Logstash. The example configuration provided will accept input from the console as a message then will output to the console in JSON. To start Logstash, run the batch file in. For example, execute this from Powershell:. If all goes well, after a moment you'll see the final line in the console say Successfully started Logstash API endpoint.

It will look something like this So that is it! Running Logstash on Windows isn't as difficult as one may expect. The install and configuraiton process also has not changed much between versions 5, 6, and 7. The tricky stuff all has to do with the Java configuration for Windows and the initial pipeline configuration.

As always make sure you reference the official documentation if you have any questions. The official public Elastic forums are also a great place for various questions you may have. Fully update Windows and reboot. Download and install JDK 8 for Windows. Choose all defaults. Click Start, search for Environment Variables and open the system properties applet.

The advanced tab of the System Properties applet should appear. Click the Environment Variables button. Under System variables click New. Extract the ZIP contents to a local folder.

Change the Xmx and Xms memory settings to half of the available system memory. If you have 4GB of system memory, then the setting should look like the following: -Xms2g -Xmx2g Save the file and exit. This sample has a blank filter. That's it! Logstash is installed with a basic configuration. Running Logstash To start Logstash, run the batch file in.

Navigate to the logstash BIN directory, execute the following from the shell:. BAT file is located. On the details tab ensure the service is set to start up automatically. Also on the details tab, ensure the service is set to use a service account. This is especially important in highly secure or AD-DS environments. Click "Install Service". Open up Windows services and start the service. Final Notes So that is it!

Joey D.


- Download logstash for windows free

  Start free trial. Try the Logstash Helm Chart beta. Log In Try Free. Prepare a logstash. You can find the documentation and getting started guides for Logstash on the elastic.    


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